It's the last day of May!!!
Goodbye May, you have been good & bad. But it's time to leave it behind & look forward to
Nice not? I made this. d:
I'm so glad that I learn Photoshop!! It is my favourite module out of all.
But I know I have more to learn & improve.
Okay before I get off-track lemme write what I want to say.
My Mid-Semester Tests are over. Well, it's not so much of a big deal because I find that the word 'test' is not as threatening as 'exam'.
I just hope I didn't fail any modules because I will have to retake the test.
The thought of studying again makes me spin.
So as of 1.10pm today, I am having my holiday!!!!
But it is not the whole of June...
I really hope my holiday will be occupied.
Yes, I want some self-time cooping at home & glued my eyes on the computer screen.
But I wanna catch-up with my friends & gang. I miss each of them so f*cking much.
So currently I have
• SP BP Mentoring Camp
• SP BP Mentoring interview
• Class outing
• 5/1 potluck party
Out of 23 days only 5 days are being booked!!!
Of course, plans are not made yet :)
I wanna do so many things this holiday.
That includes swimming in a water park, block catching & obviously, shopping.
I'm deprived. I miss the smell of Bugis Street.
Hmm. As of now, I like my course.
I hope this will last throughout my 3 years in poly!
Gosh, today I went to attend my brother's graduation ceremony.
I was so delighted for him!!! It's his big day in poly.
I spotted Jia Ren too! (Well, duh. What am I talking about.)
There is very few outstanding students too, winning special & distinction awards.
Going up the stage more than 1 time.
Wow... being in the auditorium & watch them go up the stage to collect their diploma certificates, is like watching the future of me in 2016.
What the actual f*ck 2016??!?!?!
Why was I born late.. I want to be born in 1990.
Oh well, there are benefits to be the zodiac of a Pig, especially in secondary school hahaha.
Seeing the special awardees receiving their awards, actually motivate me to do well in my school.
(Note: I did not say 'study hard')
Study hard = good results & GPA?
I doubt so.
You need your non-academic performance to be outstanding too.
I just hope I get into the CCA!!
I want to join as many overseas exchange programmes as I can, take part in competitions and camps.
Not neglect my projects & tutorials and at the same time play hard.
I'm glad I made this choice. (Well, some times I regret coming in a poly but, I looked on the bright side :D)
And the valedictorian scored an astonishing GPA of 3.96!!!
Mugger sia this guy. How does he maintain distinction & As??!
Salute man, salute.
I already have a C+ in 1 of my tutorials & some Bs & B+ LOL.
Actually I thought it will be a 4.0 when the announcer gave us suspense but oh well, the valedictorian wasn't a foreigner.
Oops, did I just said that?
Nah I'm just kidding, grow some humour will you ;)
I have another post to make but I'll do it at a later day.
Keep coming to see if I've updated alright!
Anyways I always tweet & Facebook share my blog posts except for quick updates.
See you soon guys! Enjoy your holidays if you're having!
Party hard before another term starts ;D
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