Today is my FOP! Half excited half dread.
But the dread was quickly erased by the atmosphere!!
My course, Integrated Events & Projects Management, has a total of 130 members!
Well, I saw it on the SP website lah.
It was under the School of Built Environment.
Well I thought it would be under Business but, oh well, it has something to do with the environment.
My course has a total of 6 classes, (yes, wow, imagine that), and I'm in the 6th class, called 06.
We got settled down in the lecture theatre, got to meet our Group Leaders.
My GLs are Lina & Kelvin.
I felt lucky that my class' GL was them!!!
I like both my GLs a lot!! And I mean it okay.
Lina is like so enthusiastic, so funny, so awesome!
I kept looking at her, no not the creepy kind but she got this charisma lah okay.
Kelvin's voice is very gentle but when he cheers it's not gentle anymore.. (Of course lah loud voice where got gentle one)
Kelvin explains the school things to us, about the classes & all.
We have to make our personal class flag, & I came up with this:

Okay lah like a bit copy, no originality, but that was the thing that popped in my head!
So we started using the paint & decorate it..
Moving on to the games, the games venues were so far & have to walk long distances.
Water games, some other games that requires hugging and physical contact.
One game was Captains Ball but instead of a ball, we played it with a wet sponge.
Then another one was this we have to give a name of any body parts, except eyes & mouth.
So some people said ankle, knee, toe, temple, blah.
I said collar bone.
So what was the instruction?
Put the toothpaste on the body part that you said, & pass it to the person's respective named body part.
Yeah, I know! It's crazy!
But it's part of the fun ;)
So the person to was beside the girl who said 'toe' really... you continue my sentence.
Lucky for me, I mean, REALLY lucky, the girl before me said index finger.
So she just scooped the toothpaste to my collar bone.
Another lucky thing is that the toothpaste was fresh because at a point in the middle the toothpaste got smeared to like can't be passed on.
Oh well, oh well.
After some time all of us are really dead tired.
& I mean, very similar to dead because I can see 1 of them leaning to the pillar motionless, or another on sitting down with his heads down, or others just stoning, staring into blank space.
Whoa, I must say, that was quite an exercise!!
I could get used to it.
These bonding games were under AMAZING RACE.
And in Amazing Race if we can collect the bonus items during the race we will get extra points!
Stuff like Spirit Magazine, a cup of ice, a pair of chopsticks, a packet of chilli, a fork.
I thought they were laid out by the GMs so we have to keep a lookout for but it's not!
We have to get it ourselves hahah!
So on the way to a station we have to go through a food court, while passing I spotted a pair of chopsticks (that was used and left uncleared) & jokingly said I've found the item let's take it.
Jason, my classmate, took it!
I stopped him lah, then just nice beside the bowl there's an unopened pair of wooden chopsticks, so we took that.
Then... anther game station - we have to hug a stranger, yes all of us - was at McDonald's.
No wait, we found the stranger at Mac, so Jason thought fast and took a packet of chilli & fork.
However, our flag got stolen :(
Actually, more like snatched.
But at the end of the day, we, 06, won the Amazing Race!
Champion!!!! :D
G-DOUBLE O-D-J-O-B GOOD JOB *clap clap* GOOD JOB *clap clap*
One unforgettable memory :)
Me too!! <3
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