Soo... I got feel to blog so here I am! Let me begin.
School is officially starting in 2 days' time, and I am very much not looking forward to it.
In fact, I don't wanna attend poly school.
What was I thinking back then, secondary school, saying I can't wait to graduate from that stupid hell hole.
Well, the hole has just got bigger.
Yeah. my boss says poly is all about playing & my seniors says it's all about fun.
Okay, maybe because I haven't really experience poly life that's why I'm saying this.
I am really hoping, & praying that poly is full of fun.
I miss my classmates, my girlfriends.
Both my good friend & teacher talked about 'comfort zone'.
I'm still not out of my comfort zone.
Then again, poly is all about being independent.
I hope I am able to mix well with my peers, well-liked by my classmates, and getting along well with them.
Speaking about girlfriends, I'm sick.
Not love sick, but more of like 'friend sick'.
I miss my girlfriends so badly.
Jasmine & Serene.
Each of them are busy with their lives & are occupied with school (and many boys).
It's been a while since I talk to them, let alone see them.
I don't want us to become awkward.
I want us to remain as usual & become closer.
Both Serene & Jasmine are very unique, you can't find anyone like them.
Fuck, when I get attached to people my feelings with them are like super glue.
Like I have placed 50% of my heart with them.
Okay I sound like a creep but noooooo. I treasure friendship very much. (I have said this many times)
I feel comfortable with them.
Serene.... Jas... I miss you...
Let our friendship bloom till we grow old..
Fuck why suddenly the piano & sad song playing.
Sorry, I'm playing Psy's #happening concert now, & now he's singing some emotional song.
What a coincidence, what exact time.
God... why?
Can we please get together like the past?
Psy, please sing some hyper song not this.
Girls, I miss you.
Do you?
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